Norma Jean Dunning

Feb 17, 20171 min

A Tale As Old As Time

I want a library.

Belle has always been my favorite Disney princess. I connected with her because of her love of books. Belle craved adventures and far off place and so did I. I still do.

I love the posts that say “Some girls watched Beauty and the Beast and wanted the prince. I watched it and wanted the library.

My family always jokes that’s me. I want to have my own library. I want to be surrounded by worlds different than my own. I want to be surrounded by knowledge of different times. I want philosophy, history, love, romance, mythical creature, and everything in between.

When I found out Emma Watson would be playing Belle in the new Disney live action movie of Beauty and the Beast, I’m so there.

Emma Watson is a hero in her own right. She’s a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. She is also Hermione Granger, Sam from “Perks of Being a Wallflower”, among others. Now, she is Belle. I have no doubt this is going to be amazing and I’ll be in line to see it.

See up in a month!
